Urban Design Association NSW

A forum for information, debate and professional advocacy.

The Urban Design Association NSW is an independent body that is focussed on the practice, advocacy and professional status of urban design.

The objective of the Urban Design Association NSW is to advance the profession of urban design. The Urban Design Association NSW seeks to do this through a range of activities including:

  1. To facilitate, stimulate and encourage debate and interest in urban design;

  2. To provide urban designers with a collective voice in the industry and foster networks which build resilience, peer support and career pathways;

  3. To seek out and collaborate with other groups, associations and individuals similarly interested in the promotion of excellence in urban design;

  4. To provide a platform for professional research, discourse and thought leadership and to conduct conferences, seminars and events from time to time;

  5. To document competencies, improve education and offer a recognition pathway; and

  6. To advocate for the role of urban design, good urbanism and the continual improvement of the built environment.

Urban Design Association NSW Constitution - Part 5, Section 48 Objectives of the Association

The Urban Design Association NSW is governed by the Urban Design Association Constitution under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009.

About Us

The Urban Design Association NSW is a democratic, incorporated association with the purpose of advancing urban design as a profession playing an essential role in shaping better built environments.

Better built environments are essential. Their quality affects the daily routines, health, work and prosperity of everyone in NSW. Improving the understanding of and recognising the role of urban design will help diagnose and fix the gaps between the promises and lived realities of our cities, towns and suburbs.

Professional discourse on urbanism, thought leadership and networking opportunities will be early priorities. The Urban Design Association will also strive to advance urban design as a profession through documenting competencies, improving education and offering a transparent recognition pathway.

A new voice for the urban design profession in NSW is testament to decades of work and advocacy by urban designers and the existing design and planning institutes. It is a milestone that all can share and celebrate. The Urban Design Association is looking forward to collaborating with other organisations seeking to improve the built environment.

Establishing the Urban Design Association also brings exciting opportunities to NSW from potential alliances with other urban design groups in Australia, such as Urban Design Forum (Victoria), Urban Design Alliance (Queensland) and internationally, such as the Urban Design Group (UK).